Train in Reiki with me…

The Jikiden Reiki courses replicate those taught by Chujiro Hayashi and attended in the 1930s by Chiyoko Yamaguchi, her sister and other members of their family.

Learning Jikiden Reiki provides a doorway towards creating a happier, healthier life, inviting you to awaken and strengthen your own connection to your own innate healing power within. This natural healing ability is within us all.  It is often said that once you awaken the dormant Reiki within, you begin a transformational journey. 


✦ How it would be to naturally support your own health and wellbeing and that of others.

✦ Living with the gift of the spiritual energy of life, Reiki, in your hands, heart and mind.

✦ Having your heart and mind wide open to the mystery of life…because you know and feel there is another way of living…another way of being.

We have more capacity than we realise to reorient the health, wellbeing and happiness of ourselves and our loved ones.

Learning Jikiden Reiki will open your heart and mind to this natural healing ability.  

As Chiyoko Sensei (founder of Jikiden Reiki) says ‘you just put your hands on, and people feel better.’ 

Reiki Training

The Jikiden Reiki Practitioner workshops consist of the following levels:

Shoden - is the first level.

You learn how to treat yourself and others physically. You also learn techniques to use for First Aid, a Japanese meditation technique to help the Reiki flow and a massage technique. Shoden is taught over 2 days

Okuden - is the second level. 

A deeper understanding of Jikiden Reiki where you learn how to do distant Reiki to help people who are not physically present, plus a powerful and incredibly effective method for treating psychological issues, addictions and habits that are holding you back.  Okuden is taught over 1 day

Please view the upcoming training dates here, or fill out the enquiry form below to find out more.


The first level in Jikiden Reiki is Shoden.

Shoden has 3 sections and you will receive one Reiju in each section to help the energy flow through you well. You learn how to treat yourself and others physically. You learn many techniques, highlighted below, to help improve your body and mind and that of others. For many people it is a life changing experience. It is said that once you awaken the dormant Reiki within, you begin a transformational journey. There are no pre-requisites to learn Shoden level and previous experience of Reiki is not required. Once you have learnt Shoden you will be able to use Reiki to treat yourself, enhance your natural healing system and give full treatments to family and friends for injuries, minor ailments, more serious conditions, relaxation and rejuvenation.

Jikiden Reiki Shoden Course Content:

During this workshop you will:

✦ Receive 3 Reiju. A Japanese process of 'Reiki activation' that helps you return to your natural state of being. 

✦ Learn about the history of Reiki in Japan 

✦ Learn how Japanese culture is intrinsic to the understanding of Reiki 

✦ Learn what Reiki is and how it works in conjunction with the body’s natural healing systems

✦ Learn the first Shirushi (symbol) - its meaning & background and how and when to use it 

✦ Learn the meaning and history behind the GOKAI (5 principles) 

✦ Learn First Aid techniques 

✦ Learn the concept of Byosen (how to detect & treat areas with high concentration of toxins) 

✦ Learn a Japanese meditation technique to develop sensitivity in your hands (Hatsurei Ho), so that Byosen can be felt more easily and to keep the Reiki flow stronger

✦ Learn a Reiki specific massage (blood circulation) technique (Ketsueki Kokan Ho)

✦ Practice giving and receiving Reiki with other course participants

✦ Chant the Gokai in Japanese

After Shoden you can proceed to Okuden (level 2). This offers you the chance to deepen you knowledge of Reiki and learn two advanced treatment techniques; one for psychological issues and one for distant healing.

Investment for training: £260


The second level in Jikiden Reiki is Okuden.

This next level offers a deeper dive into Reiki and covers two sections where you will learn more about Reiki, 1) how to treat psychological issues and 2) how to give treatments over any distance. The pre-requisite to take Okuden is to have completed Jikiden Reiki Shoden level 1.

Jikiden Reiki Okuden Course Content:

During this workshop you will:

✦ Receive two further Reiju - one per section

✦ Learn about distant healing and the Jumon used to give Reiki to people anywhere in the world, regardless of distance.

✦ Learn variations of the distance reiki method for easier self treatment including for psychological issues. 

✦ Learn a powerful method to heal psychological problems on yourself and others. This method can be used to help you and others through difficult issues for example, fears, phobias, stress, anxiety, worry, nervousness, anger, addictions, depression or trauma.

✦ There will be opportunities for practice sessions and practical demonstrations

Investment for training: £250

Jikiden Reiki® Training FAQs

  • Yes! Reiki is a natural part of life, and is accessible to us all. Usui Sensei said “Every Being that has had life breathed into (that God has bestowed a soul upon) can perform Reiki.”

  • Reiki is a natural, healing, life giving energy that is present in all living things. However, over the passage of time and life’s experiences, we all build up ‘baggage’.  The stress and worries of day to day life mean that our connection to ‘universal’ energy becomes blocked or restricted. During the Jikiden Reiki Training you will receive a number of ‘Reiju’ to help ‘re-activate’ your energy flow, clearing and cleansing the flow of your energy. Imagine it to be like clearing a pipe that gets clogged over time. Reiju is the process of ‘Reiki activation’ that Usui Sensei discovered that helps you return to your natural state of being. In the Jikiden Reiki training you will learn the original system of Reiki, free from Western influence. It includes fundamental theory and practices as it was originally taught by Usui Sensei. The course teaches you how to understand the feeling (byosen) in your hands and contains useful practical examples of how and where to place your hands for an effective treatment.

  • If your curiosity is peaked or you feel drawn to learning more about it, this is sign for you to delve into finding out more about Jikiden Reiki.  Attendance at trainings range from complete beginners to existing Reiki teachers who are interested in learning more about the roots of Reiki and what was originally taught in Japan. Learning Jikiden Reiki is something that becomes ingrained in your day to day life, rather than being ‘another qualification’ or something extra you need to do. The training has instilled a much deeper understanding of myself, my health and wellbeing as well as my connection to the world around me.

  • It is possible to learn both Shoden and Okuden together.  This is one of the most popular ways to learn Jikiden Reiki. Shoden is a typically a two day course and Okuden is a one day course, and is how I generally teach it. However, another Jikiden Reiki teacher may choose to deliver the same course content over a different number of days, or split the training over two separate weekends for example. It is also possible to learn Shoden and wait to learn Okuden at a later date. It is best to choose what works for you best.

  • There are two levels to achieve the practitioner level of Reiki, Shoden and Okuden. Shoden is a two day course and Okuden is a one day course.  After completing the Shoden course you are technically able to channel Reiki, however after completing Okuden which includes additional Reiju and further practice, your ability to perceive the energy improves. It is therefore recommended to take both levels of training (the full 3 days). Undertaking the training is just the beginning. Practice and more practice is then required to build your confidence, awareness, experience and understanding of Reiki and Byosen.  There are further teacher levels (Shinpinden) to progress to Teacher level.

  • Jikiden Reiki will appeal to anyone who is seeking an authentic and traditional approach to this healing art. Learning Jikiden Reiki will support you gain a deeper understanding of the origins of Reiki and Japanese culture and philosophy, enhancing and adding depth and clarity to your existing knowledge.

    You will receive accurate teachings on the history of Reiki and learn specific Reiki techniques that probably won’t have been covered in your previous Reiki trainings (this is because some Reiki specific content was lost when it came across to the West).

    These techniques include understanding how to perceive sensations in your hands, ‘Byosen’, and the Reiki specific circulation massage technique, ‘Ketsueki kokan ho' that can be added to the end of your treatments. In Jikiden Reiki Okuden you will learn the full method for mental and emotional healing  (Sei Heki Chiryo) and the distant Reiki treatment (Enkaku Chiryo) that Usui Sensei developed in their original, unaltered form. You will also receive the unaltered Reiju ceremony as it was first shared by Usui and Hayashi Sensei.

    Once trained in Jikiden Reiki you will receive ongoing support and from your teacher and also the Jikiden Reiki UK Association should you decide to join as a member.  There are ongoing opportunities to receive regular Reiju as well as practice and receive Reiki. The Jikiden Reiki community is incredibly supportive and encouraging.  You can be assured of the credibility of your course as Jikiden Reiki training is certified by the Jikiden Reiki®  Institute, Japan.

    Regardless of your previous Reiki training and experience, and due to the content you will need to start your Jikiden Reiki journey from the beginning, with Shoden.

  • In Traditional Japanese Reiki Reiju is a technique used by Reiki Teachers (Shihans) and Assistant Teachers (Shihan-Kaku's) to re-awaken the dormant flow of Reiki in receiver’s body. It is what makes Reiki different from other spiritual healing methods.

    During the Jikiden Reiki Training you will receive a number of ‘Reiju’ to help clear and cleanse the flow of your energy. Imagine it to be like clearing a pipe that gets clogged over time.

    Reiju is the process of ‘Reiki activation’ that Usui Sensei discovered that helps you return to your natural state of being, clearing and strengthening the connection we all have to our natural healing ability.

    In the West, you may recognise the term Reiki 'attunement', which has a very different meaning to the Japanese term Reiju. There is nothing new to attune you to, as you already have Reiki flowing through you. Reiju simply helps clear the pipe so we can connect more easily to the flow of energy.

  • No, in fact giving Reiki treatments can be a beautifully calm and meditative experience. It is important to ensure you are standing or sitting in comfortable position when giving Reiki, so as not to strain or injure yourself. It is also important to remember that when you are giving Reiki, you are not using your own energy, you are simply acting as a channel for the Reiki energy to come through and into the person you are treating. You are therefore not taking in any of the clients energy.

  • Payment of course

    Please note - Full payment is required at the time of booking your Jikiden Reiki course.

    Cancellation Policy

    Registration cancelled by participant

    Jikiden Reiki course bookings are non refundable. Should a participant book a course place and later chose to not attend the event, and if a minimum of 4 weeks notice is provided to Connect to Calm, the participant will be given the opportunity to transfer their place to a future course of the same type to be used within the next 12 months from the original course start date. If less than 4 weeks notice is provided, the participant will forfeit the full course fee. If the participant chooses to cancel a second time (following one transfer of registration), the participant will forfeit the course fee.

    Cancellation by Connect to Calm

    Connect to Calm reserves the right to cancel any training due to low enrolment, or other circumstances which would make the course non-viable. If Connect to Calm cancels a training course, registrants can transfer their registration to a future date to be taken within the next 12 months from the original course start date, or receive a full refund (in this case Connect to Calm would only be liable for the cost of the course booking).

Kind words from others

Jikiden Reiki® Meetings

Traditional Japanese Reiki places a huge emphasis on continued learning and practice at in person gatherings with your Reiki teacher following your training.  They provide a great opportunity to deepen your understanding of Reiki and to practice in a group situation.  They mirror, as closely as possible, the meetings offered by Usui Sensei and Hayashi Sensei in the 1920/30s in Japan.

Reiju-Kai & Koryukai (Reiki Share)

These meetings offer those already trained in Jikiden Reiki the opportunity to receive Reiju again, to refresh their knowledge and learning from the training, meet like minded souls, practice giving Reiki in a group situation, gain a deepening understanding of Byosen and also receive a group Reiki treatment. There are also opportunities to ask questions and share experiences with other practitioners. They are fun, informative sessions.

Click below to see the Reiju-Kai & Koryukai events coming up.