Hi I’m Sara…
I am a Mother, space holder, energy worker, facilitator, guide and teacher.
I weave together beautiful, sacred mind/ body therapies and practices to help you:
to come into relationship with yourself, your body and nature;
to cultivate a greater sense of inner calm & peace;
to feel energetically resourced and
to connect with your own innate inner healing ability.
I specialise in traditional Japanese Jikiden Reiki and Yoga Nidra Rest - two deeply grounding, transformative modalities that support you live with the gift of greater awareness and feel a greater sense of inner peace, happiness and wellbeing as you return to the essence of your true self.
I believe we all deserve to realise the power we have within to reorient ourselves to feel rested and well.
My journey into Reiki & Rest….
My journey into Reiki & Rest has very much been influenced by my own personal health challenges during my 30s when I was diagnosed with a severe autoimmune condition (Psoriatic Arthritis) and experienced excruciating pain, multiple joint swelling and loss of movement across my body.
My life as I knew it had turned inside out, as I struggled with simple daily tasks such as drying my hair and cutting food on my plate.
Here started my journey to returning to good health - in body, mind and spirit and when Jikiden Reiki and rest based practices such as Yoga Nidra first came into my life. They had such a profound effect on my health and wellbeing, that I left my long standing public service career and birthed my own business “Connect to Calm’ with the sole aim to support people rest and heal through Yoga Nidra and Jikiden Reiki.
As a young woman and also a mother, living with a chronic autoimmune condition, the deep rest and potent energy work was essential to my own healing path, my mothering and family life, and my evolving professional work.
My family are now raised on Reiki and Rest and I am so grateful to now be considered ‘in remission’ from the arthritis.
My soul dream is to share these beautiful, effective offerings and way of living with you, so that you too can experience their magic and wonder.
Jikiden Reiki®
I am an approved Jikiden Reiki Shihan (Teacher) and Jikiden Reiki Practitioner through the Jikiden Reiki Institute in Kyoto, Japan. I first completed Shoden and Okuden in 2015, Shihan Kaku (Assistant Teacher) in 2021 and Shihan (Teacher) in 2022. I am one of the growing numbers of authorised teachers by the Jikiden Reiki® Kenkyukai (Jikiden Reiki Institute) in Japan who can teach the first and second level of Jikiden Reiki and have been treating clients with Jikiden Reiki since 2016. I have studied with both Tadao Sensei (The Head of Jikiden Reiki Institute) and Arjava Sensei (Vice President of the Jikiden Reiki Institute).
My Reiki Lineage (family tree) is:
✦ Mikao Usui
✦ Chijiro Hayashi
✦ Chiyoko Yamaguchi
✦ Tadao Yamaguchi
✦ Frank Arjava Petter
✦ Sara Johnson
Having experienced first hand how this seemingly simple energy can support the body and mind I am hugely passionate about this incredible beautiful therapy and am committed to passing on the original teachings in their original, unaltered form.
Rest Practices
(Yoga Nidra/ Sacred Sound)
I have in-depth training and experience in holding sacred space for you to receive the rest that you deserve.
✦ I am a certified Yoga Nidra Guide (Total Yoga Nidra training with the Uma Dinsmore Tuli and Nirlipta Tuli) and have undertaken many subsequent CPD trainings with them:
- Liberate Nidra Shakti: Creative Explorations In Total Yoga Nidra
- Explore The Art And Science Of Total Yoga Nidra: Going Deeper With The Practice And Sharing of Yoga Nidra
- Dreamsong Yoga Nidra And Your Voice: Vocal Explorations For Yoga Nidra Teachers
✦ Trauma Sensitive Facilitation of Yoga Nidra with Barefoot Body Training.
✦ Yoga Nidra for Mental Health with The Minded Institute
✦ Daring to Rest Rest Coach Training with the Queen of Rest, Karen Brody
✦ I am a certified Sacred Sound Ceremony Guide with Anne Malone
✦ Online Training: Foundations In Teaching Mindfulness Meditation with Michael Stone
✦Eight session Mindfulness Course with Mindfulness CiC
✦ Relax Kids Coach Training - to share meditation, mindfulness and relaxation techniques with children and young people
Who I have helped…
I have had the honour of witnessing incredible life changes of many souls from many walks of life, in many different environments.
I have supported a range of issues including insomnia, stress, anxiety, depression, chronic illness/ pain, migraines, injuries, recovery from surgery, hidden illnesses such as chronic fatigue and/ or autoimmune conditions, menopause symptoms, support during cancer treatment, grief, women’s health including fertility, pregnancy, postnatal recovery as well as working with children too.
My offerings for you…
I host small intimate in person Jikiden Reiki workshops, seminars, Reiju-Kai’s, Koryukai (Reiki Shares) in my bespoke Reiki Studio located in South Leicestershire, England.
I offer in person/ online restful gatherings to nourish the heart and mind, helping women to deeply rest, relieve stress and connect to their innate wisdom and guidance within.
It is my wish through holding space for you to rest and receive Reiki healing, that you feel supported to live with a greater sense of inner peace, happiness and wellbeing.
If this resonates with you, I'd love to support you on your journey.